Getting from Bangkok to Koh Tao
Thursday, 27 October 2016
There are a few options available to people wanting to travel from Bangkok to Koh Tao. The options include bus, train, and plane, and it really depends on your budget and time frame as to which you decide to take. The Coach / Boat option This is one of the more popular options due
- Published in Articles, Mobile, Siam Website, turtle
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The unknown facts of being a dive instructor
Sunday, 20 September 2015
- Published in Advanced Open Water, Dive Master Training, Open Water Divers, Siam Website, Staff
Min underbara resa mot att bli Dive Master
Wednesday, 06 March 2013
2008 gjorde jag min första resa till Sydostasien och såg det som en självklarhet att utforska världen under vattenytan genom dykning. Min Open Water-kurs gjorde jag i Kambodja och blev frälst direkt. Att få uppleva lugnet och harmonin under vatten var fantastiskt! Efter den resan hade jag gjort totalt 6 dyk och fått se leopardhajar,
- Published in Siam Website, Staff
5 Wochen Thailand: Herumreisen und Tauchen, das war der Plan – am Anfang… ;-)
Thursday, 28 February 2013
Urspruenglich sollte es von Bangkok nach Koh Pha-Nang, Koh Tao und dann weiter zu den Similan-Inseln und wer weiss wo noch hingehen. Koh Pha-Nang erreichten wir 4 Tage vor der “Full Moon Party”. Full Moon Party bedeutet, tausende von Touris stroemen auf die Insel und es wird hektisch und super voll. Eigentlich wollten wir von
- Published in Siam Website
L’aventure Divemaster
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
Depuis mon enfance, la plongée était pour moi fascinante et fantastique, l’ouverture sur un monde différent et inaccessible. Ce rêve est malheureusement difficile à réaliser pour des jeunes comme moi, travailleur saisonnier ou multipliant les petits boulots, ayant des problèmes financiers . Les cours étant très chers en France ce n’était pas réalisable dans mon pays,
- Published in Siam Website, Staff
Matt And His Dive Master Course
Sunday, 10 February 2013
In July 2012 I was introduced to scuba diving through BSAC and following 17 years military service I decided to travel for a few months prior to seeking out another career path with the intention of diving somewhere amazing. So, where to dive, how to choose from the many global destinations available. Whilst discussing this with
- Published in Siam Website, Staff
Koh Tao Beaches
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
Koh Tao is blessed with some of Thailand’s most spectacular beaches and bays. Despite it’s popularity among divers, the waters surrounding the island remain crystal clear and ideal for swimming and snorkelling. Mae Haad Beach The “capital” of Koh Tao, Mae Haad is the most developed area on the island with lots of shops, bars,
- Published in Siam Website
Up close and personal with a Whale Shark!
Monday, 30 April 2012
It has certainly been an amazing time for Whales Shark sightings here on Koh Tao! We have been lucky enough to have had three wonderful encounters with Whale Sharks in the last week alone. All our customers and staff have been coming back from their dives recently with the biggest smiles on their faces. This picture
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Great French Review …
Monday, 30 April 2012
On appel “SIAM diver Center” trouvé sur une carte de l’île pour un devis Open Water, sa décroche, je me présente en Anglais et j’entends ” c’est toit Michel?”. Ben non, …, mais c’est cool vous parlez français! On discute 2 sec pour les questions tarifs/ prestations et on se pointe le lendemain matin. On
- Published in Siam Website
Thomas – Divemaster Trainee
Monday, 16 April 2012
I started diving 2 years ago in the Royal Navy in the UK and then decided to do my Divemaster Training after completing a fun dive here on Koh Tao and knew I wanted to stay. Diving is a great way to meet people and a great way of life. My best experience so far
- Published in Siam Website, Staff
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